
Color Broomed Concrete in Buffalo, NY

Contact Real Help Decorative Concrete at (716) 997-3058 to learn more about Color Broomed Concrete and more in Buffalo, NY.

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Color Broomed Concrete

Color broomed concrete combines the benefits of a colored concrete surface with the added texture of a broom finish. This technique involves applying a colored concrete mixture to the surface and then using a broom to create a subtle texture. The result is a beautiful and unique surface that adds depth and character to any outdoor space.

Customized Solutions for Your Outdoor Surfaces

At Nelson Concrete Coating, we believe in providing customized solutions that suit your style and preferences. With a variety of colors to choose from, you can select the perfect shade to complement your outdoor aesthetic.

Our experienced team will work closely with you to create a customized color broomed design that brings your vision to life.

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Expert Installation and Attention to Detail

At Nelson Concrete Coating, we take pride in our expertise and attention to detail. Our skilled professionals have years of experience in working with color broomed concrete, ensuring precise and consistent results.

We carefully prepare the surface, apply the colored concrete mixture with meticulous craftsmanship, and create the broom finish that enhances the texture and visual appeal of the surface.

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  • What is color broomed concrete?

    Color broomed concrete is a decorative technique that combines the benefits of colored concrete with a broom finish. It involves applying a colored concrete mixture to the surface and then using a broom to create a subtle texture. This technique adds visual interest, depth, and character to outdoor surfaces.

  • What are the benefits of color broomed concrete?

    Color broomed concrete offers several benefits. It adds vibrant color to your outdoor surfaces, enhances the texture with the broom finish, and creates a visually appealing and unique appearance. Additionally, color broomed concrete is durable, slip-resistant, and requires minimal maintenance.

  • Can color broomed concrete be customized?

    Yes, color broomed concrete can be customized to suit your preferences. We offer a range of colors to choose from, allowing you to select the perfect shade that complements your outdoor aesthetic. Our experienced team will work closely with you to create a customized design that brings your vision to life.

  • Is color broomed concrete durable?

    Yes, color broomed concrete is highly durable. The colored concrete mixture is integrated throughout the surface, ensuring long-lasting color that won't fade or peel. Additionally, the broom finish adds texture, making the surface slip-resistant and resistant to heavy foot traffic.

  • How do I maintain color broomed concrete?

    Color broomed concrete requires minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning with mild soap and water, as well as periodic resealing, will help preserve its appearance and durability. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools that could damage the surface.

  • Can I install color broomed concrete on existing surfaces?

    In some cases, it is possible to install color broomed concrete on existing surfaces. However, an assessment of the condition and suitability of the current substrate will be necessary to ensure proper adhesion and longevity of the new colored concrete.

Contact Us

Call Real Help Decorative Concrete at (716) 997-3058 for a free estimate on residential concrete in Buffalo, NY.

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